Saturday, September 6, 2008

Soldiers Angels Web Surfing

Another weekly surf of the web for news by, and about, Soldiers Angels

 Starting out with the latest from Sage at Lawn Darts,another great image

Lawn Darts #19- Dear Soldier,How Are You?


That image segues nicely into a post from Soldiers Angels~Medical Support

 Letters from the front


 and continuing with that theme, this post on Ladies of Liberty Lady Katie's Mom


Little Drops...into the pool of Life has Something Everyone Should Read


A 'new-to-me' Angel reposts An Angel's Creed


 In other Angel tidbits from around the web, Greta posts on her Kiss My Gumbo blog about the aftermath of Gustav and her evacuation which went well thanks to a fellow Soldiers Angel and milblogger Life Interrupted


Another Angel writes about State Fair & Stuff...


Wounded Warrior Support has a poignant Farewell,Brave Warrior....

and Life in the Northeast posted Remember...


Thus ends the 'surf' for this past week. Thank you, as always, for taking this brief trip around the web with me.


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