Sunday, March 12, 2006


I said in the beginning that I found out about Soldiers Angels by reading 'milblogs'. Back when I was first starting to read milblogs, I came across one written by a National Guardsman serving in Afghanistan(that blog is now defunct.)The blogger had a hilarious listing called "Golden Rules of Care Packages"(mostly telling you what NOT to send) that I happened to read right after joining SA. So, I emailed him and told him I had joined but was nervous after reading his 'rules'....he emailed back and encouraged me to continue with my plans to join Soldiers Angels,and take his 'rules' as the joke they were.

After he safely returned home, he started '', which is a listing of military blogs, military family blogs, that they are all easily listed in one place.I still keep in touch with him, and am a faithful and frequent visitor to 

What an unexpected and pleasant surprise to see that he'd put a thank you to me for submitting milblogs on his site today! Thanks,JP!

And thanks for the hours you have put, and continue to put, into your site so we can hear the voices from the front, and the voices of those waiting at home.

And most of all, Thank You for your service to our country!

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