Thursday, July 6, 2006

Thursday 'Surfing'

Had to put a pic that included a view of  Diamondhead, only because I am still chuckling because of it. Last night my daughter and her dad and I were playing Jeopardy! on the computer (thanks! to my oldest son for giving me that:) and a question came up about 'this Hawaiian volcano was given this name because originally sailors thought they had found these gems there' (or something like that.)

Anyway, we all stared at the screen blankly for a few seconds and suddenly it hit me, and I started laughing and said "Oh my gosh, we've BEEN there" as I hurriedly typed in my answer:)

I shouldn't even have been off work last night, but I ended up celebrating my 4th of July by working a double shift, and staying over an extra 8 hours to cover someone who didn't come in (the joys of the nursing profession)and so work arranged for someone else to cover me for my shift last night.However, it's back to work as usual later today!And that, I suppose, is enough about my oh-so-interesting personal life.

There's no particular 'theme' to my surfing today,lol, I was just in the process of doing laundry at the same time and these are some of the places I came across in between putting clothes into the washer and dryer.

First up, Devon Gibbons family has posted a very moving 'Thank You'.

And there is a connection between Devon Gibbons and Soldiers Angels featured artist
which is Renegade Rail
If you go by their web site, the clip of their song "Heroes" moved me to tears.Scroll down their web site under "Renegade Rail News" to learn how they heard of Devon and what they are doing for Soldiers Angels
And if you liked their music?You can go to  and scroll down on the left to click on "Vote' after you enter the site, and then scroll down to "Best Duo or Band" and be sure to vote for "Renegade Rail" (as there is also a band called just "Renegade")They are currently in Second place!
(NOTE: You'll have to copy and paste the link to  into your browser,if you click on it from this page it will say you already voted! sorry about not realizing that sooner!)
Next,via came a link to an article entitled " Military Research:Don't tread on my blog: A study of military weblogs" by the University of Oklahoma Dept. of Communication.
While checking that out, I was tickled when I clicked on Literature Review to learn that I fit hardly ANY of  the parameters for "blog creators" mentioned in the article citing a 2005 study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project
It says: " The survey found that blog creators tend to be:
male (57% of the blogging population);Nope,I'm female:)
 young (48% are under age 30); Nah,I'm 45!
broadband users (70%);Ok,'yes' on this.
 veteran Internet users (82% have been online for 6 years or more);I actually got my first computer in 2002,when my uncle gave me a 'hand-me-down"
 well educated (39% have college or graduate degrees); I are a high school graduate,lol, who later earned a certificate in Practical Nursing at a vocational-technical center.
and relatively well-off financially (42% live in households earning more than $50,000).OK, this is definitely NOT my household,lol!
Anyway, that just struck me as humorous,what the heck am I doing blogging then?LOL.I'm an anomaly!
In no particular order,some other places I 'surfed' by today:
Via Blackfive:Someone you should know  I was led to this
This  Click here: Blue Crab Boulevard » Blog Archive » Farewell  describes a memorial service held by his company for  Pvt.Benjamin J. Slaven
One of my favorite 'reads' is getting ready to come home!    Destination Iraq
Two other blogs I hadn't stopped by in awhile:
And via A Soldier's Perspective  I was led to this site
Click here: Your About To Enter The Warzone  (WARNING!Graphic Language and Images!)
And that's all for today,as always,GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!

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