Saturday, October 28, 2006

Weekend Web Wanderings

I figured it was about time for another 'gratuitous grandbaby pic" :)

So here's our 'little guy" and his parents at his baptism last weekend.

And we are gearing up around here for a move next week, so I'd like to give an alert to all (5 0r 6 ? :) of my readers that blogging may be sporadic for the next week or so. ( And this would seem the appropriate time to also say " I hate packing!!!")

Before I go wandering around the Internet pointing out places of possible interest, I want to give a Shout Out to a very special Sgt. First Class.  I met him through the  Letter Writing Team  at Soldiers Angels and continued to correspond with him. This past week he sent a Thank You to me that was totally unexpected and moved me to tears. I still don't think I did all that much, just continued writing letters describing 'our dorky lives'...but you never know what your letter is going to mean to someone who's deployed, when you sit down to write it. ( HInt Hint :)

So, "B"....this one is for you. Thank YOU, for the job you've been doing. You're in the home stretch now, stay safe and we look forward to hearing you are back in the USA soon!!

And now, without further ado (and I use that word because an argument ensued this past week over it's pronunciation between the 14 year old and myself,lol. Which should give you a glimpse into just how exciting our lives get around here.) here are places I surfed by on the web, for you to check out or not....I just point 'em out, the rest is up to y'all .

JP has had numerous posts up regarding the crackdown on Milblogs, the one that WAS the most recent yesterday evening (before the computer froze and I lost the post and then it was time to go to work,arghhh!) is 

Milblogs in the News: Milblogs-Losing a Precious Resource

and The Tanker Brothers blog is going to continue...sort of...with guest bloggers.  Click here:  (and you're going to have to scroll down, because the permalink seems to not be working for me here,look for this post:

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
"...Another Fine Mess You've Gotten Us Into!"


Moving on? This link I know you're gonna click on,lol, just because of the mental picture you'll have from the title 

Via Noble Duty Milblogger Coalition (or 'The Blog formerly known as 'A Soldiers Perspective' and still called that but now prefaced by NDMC,only not in the title bar on the blog...and they ALWAYS have great stuff,however much trouble the name gives me:) 
and also 
T.F. Boggs answers previously submitted questions as only he can :)
'Afghanistan Without a Clue's 'plan for global saturation' seems to be going well...he has a second post up on the Sandbox 
AND a great post on his blog 
Another post on another blog that is worth a look is this one from MySpace 
Kat at Yikes has a really interesting post up about 
(which reminds me that her Holiday Card Drive is still going on ) 
which then reminds me that it's time to start posting this link 
Lastly, if anyone was upset and/or offended by CNN posting a video of insurgent snipers taking shots at our troops?  Michelle Malkin has the best suggestion I've seen about what to do about that  
(So put on some Filter and go see what you can do to support OUR snipers)
That's a wrap for this edition of web wanderings.  Hope everyone has a good weekend! and God bless our Troops!




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