Saturday, September 30, 2006
A belated Congratulations:) and This and That
Friday, September 29, 2006
Saturday Web Surfing
The above is a pic from our 2004 trip to MN, it was taken at Gooseberry Falls.
I haven't had a chance to surf the web for a few days, between work and helping with the new grandson ,as his mom was not feeling well. (not a hardship, I enjoyed it!:)
So today I found out that American Soldier is taking blogging in yet another direction...first from his post saying It's Coming and then It's Here Looking forward to more video blogs from him! Consider subscribing yourself.
Haven't mentioned JP at lately, he says he has site changes coming
and when I went by Blackfive, this was a nice surprise
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Wednesday Hero
This Weeks Hero Was Suggested By Toni At Bear Creek Ledger
If you tell Army Staff Sgt. Paul Brondhaver he's a hero, he'll just laugh and shake his head. He's heard it before, but he doesn't think he's any more of a hero than the millions of men and women who served before him or alongside him.
Brondhaver, an Ohio National Guardsman, was severely wounded in a rocket-propelled-grenade and small-arms ambush in July 2004 in Samarra, Iraq, where his Guard unit was serving with the 1st Infantry Division. More than 300 pieces of shrapnel tore through his body, and a rocket-propelled-grenade that killed Pfc. Sam Bowen continued its mindless path and struck Brondhaver, causing his own weapon to explode and further ravage his body.
On hand for yesterday's Freedom Walk here commemorating the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States and honoring the nation's past and present servicemembers, Brondhaver made no effort to hide his tears as he showed the bracelet he wears in Bowen's honor.
"If we can stay together as a bunch of good guys in America, it's going to be easier for us to keep our resolve and remind each other of the importance of honoring those (fallen troops) so that their lives weren't given in vain," he said.
With a new lease on life as he steadily recovers from injuries that brought him to the precipice of death, the 20-year Guardsman said he has a responsibility to speak for those who now can't speak for themselves. During his recovery, he has spoken in several states to spread his message.
Walking with a cane, Brondhaver helped lead several hundred Freedom Walk participants on the mile-and-a-half trek from the future site of the Colorado Freedom Memorial to the Aurora Municipal Center. At his side was Fairfax County (Va.) Fire Department Battalion Chief John Everett, who was one of the first responders to the attack on the Pentagon.
"All of our hearts were touched and damaged" by 9/11 and with the losses incurred in its aftermath, Brondhaver said. "We need to build our hearts back up to be full and strong," he said. "And events like this can do that. Events like this hopefully can inspire and motivate others to tell their neighbors how important it is to stay strong. It will be a stronger America in the end."
Brondhaver said he intends to spend the rest of his life spreading his message of "faith, family and friends," his belief in America and his appreciation for freedom one event at a time.
Though he has suffered a personal tragedy with his injuries, Brondhaver said, he hopes to show people that the effect any tragedy has depends on how they react to it.
"In the end, my cup is half full," he said. "I have nothing negative to say. Life is positive."
Twice after he suffered his injuries, Brondhaver's heart stopped beating.
"I flatlined in Balad, Iraq, in surgery, and they revived me," he said. "I had lost a lot of blood. Then I'm 30,000 feet in the air on the way to Landstuhl, Germany, to a medical facility there, and I flatlined again and they revived me. Having near-death experiences has really brought home the important things in life. If you have faith, family and friends, you have a strong America. That's my message."
Needing and receiving his parents' permission, Brondhaver joined the Ohio Guard at 17 because, he said, he wanted to help people. Serving in the National Guard has taught him how to live his life to help others, Brondhaver said. He's been activated for prison riots, floods, tornadoes, snow emergencies and other missions that have allowed him to help his fellow citizens. He wears 21 medals, including the Bronze Star for valor, the Purple Heart, and Army Commendation medals. But he prizes his Humanitarian Service Medal the most, he said.
"They're all important; they're all accepted with honor," he said. "But a soldier doesn't go to war saying, "Man, I hope I get the Purple Heart." But it's OK to say, "It would be nice if I can get the Humanitarian Medal, because that means I can help others."
Helping others is a habit for Brondhaver. When he deployed to Iraq, he noticed that many children had nothing on their feet. This led to "Socks for Paul," a joint effort with his wife, Lisa — they were high school sweethearts — that collected more than 6,000 pairs of shoes and socks for Iraqi children.
"We put them in a Humvee and went from school to school," he said, his eyes dancing as if he were Santa Claus describing his favorite Christmas. "We delivered shoes and socks to those children, along with school supplies and Spaghetti-O's and Girl Scout cookies."
Even as he faces various surgeries for the rest of his life, Brondhaver said that if he were 17 again and knew what lay ahead for him, he still would have signed on the dotted line. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat," he said. "I wouldn't even have to think about it. I never look back."
He pointed to the American flag on the right shoulder of his uniform and said people wonder why the field of stars is on the right side of the emblem. "The blue part always goes forward. America always goes forward. We don't retreat. We don't look back. We stay steady. We stay strong."
These brave men and women risk their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero blogroll. If you would like to participate in honoring the brave men and women who serve this great country, you can find out how by clicking here.
Technorati Tags: United States Military, War On Terror, Hero
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Tuesday Surfing
Ok, I'm finally out of Hawaii pictures,lol, I never anticipated when I started my 'surfing' posts that I'd eventually use all of them. while I suppose I could recycle them, I decided today I wanted to put up a picture of my favorite of the Great Lakes...Lake Superior
I grew up in Michigan...nowhere near Lake Superior,actually, we lived about an hour away from Lake Michigan (which I also liked a lot!:) But Superior has just always had a special place in my heart because of several Girl Scout trips to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan while growing up. And now I have family in MN, and so I've been to Superior on the Other side,like the picture above taken near Two Harbors,MN.
I'm also a lighthouse collector, I just love lighthouses, and when we visited with my family in 2004 (when the above picture was taken) we visited Split Rock Lighthouse The best pic I have of that was taken by my non-blogging sister(see 2nd picture) They had lots of information there on the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (which yes, I am old enough to recall when the wreck happened.)
To get on to 'places I have surfed recently' first off ,Soldiers Angels Network had a post about quilters
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Bloggers who are Angels, and Angels who are Bloggers
What started this post was that I came across another Soldiers Angel member who has just started a blog
Having "no life", as my sons describe it,lol (and I'm still trying to figure out exactly when they missed the 'kindness and tactfulness' lessons during child rearing) that just started me wondering what I would find if I did a Google blog search ? (and no, Google doesn't pay me for all the gratuitous plugs I give them, I am just addicted to Google...I Google anything and everything at the drop of a hat....which reminds me, I need to check if the 12 step group for Google addiction has formed yet? Can you Google that,lol, or would that defeat the purpose of the group?) get back on track....I did the blog search, and found some interesting stuff that I want to pass on, in case someone else might find it interesting.
There are bloggers who also happen to be members of Soldiers Angels,and blog sometimes about being a Soldiers Angel. And some of them might surprise you. I came across several folks who are very clearly against the war....but who also feel that they need to support the troops.
Some Other J-Lander's News
Friday, September 22, 2006
The Wednesday Hero Blogroll
Technorati Tags: United States Military, United States Navy, War On Terror, Hero
Talking with Heroes
If you've never checked out 'Talking with Heroes', Sunday,Oct. 8 would be a great time to do so! Both the founder of Soldiers Angels and the International Goodwill Ambassador are going to be guests:)
Talking With Heroes -Talk Show Schedule
October 8, 2006
Sunday - 5pm (PST) 6pm (MST) 7pm (CST) 8pm (EST)
Bob Calvert, Founder of YoungHeroes.US
Editor of Walking with Heroes Book One
Patti Bader, Founder
Wilhelmine (Willie) Aufmkolk
Soldier's Angels Foundation
Soldiers` Angels Europe
Helping the sick and the injured
Soldiers' Angels bring necessities, cheer to recovering war wounded
MSgt Craig A. Colton
Career Assistance Advisor for Dyess AFB
National Salute Heroes Organization
Texas Salute Heroes Website
Supporting Our Wounded and Disabled Troops
Craig A. Colton
First Sergeant Daryl J. Eddings, Sr.
First Sergeant Daryl J. Eddings, Sr. entered basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 27, November 1979. After completing basic training, he proceeded to Infantry School the Queen of Battle at Fort Benning, Georgia. He then went on to complete Airborne School.
While work is going to prevent me from attending, I apologize for not posting sooner that Sept.23-26 is SUPPORT THE TROOPS AND THEIR MISSION WEEKEND
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Just Checking in....
Taking a quick moment to pass on the word about a new blog for military spouses.......Click here: SpouseBUZZ
(that I was alerted to via ,your one-stop-shop for all things to do with milblogs.)
And Soldiers Angels Network has several essays posted about what it's like to support our troops, from a contest they recently had.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sunday Web Surfing
Here's a link to a video I wanted to share, about a totally awesome member of Soldiers Angels
Thursday, September 14, 2006
ANGELS needed! and other news
Having a sinus infection, and being wrapped up in finishing up my part of the 2,996 project, has made me late in passing any of this on.
The call went out earlier in September, that angels were needed for over 600 Marines,and 200 soldiers, to be 'adopted.' (and if you can't adopt, always remember we have many other teams,you can write letters or send cards....possibilities are endless!) So,please,check out Soldiers Angels and consider getting involved.
And Laurie at Soldiers Angels New York is 'moving'...her blog,that is, you can find the new site here
(and I'll change it in the sidebar.)While I'm mentioning her, she had an update on a fundraiser done by the Patriot Guard Riders of western New York
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
2,996 Tribute Project, Final Thoughts
Well, the 2,996 tribute project is over, and I personally think it was a success...I read many,many tributes over the course of several days, and I think most of them accomplished the original "celebrate the lives of those lost."
And people being so different,I found some very unique lady had written a beautiful poem,incorporating all the information she'd learned about the name she was given to honor. Another tribute used a song. I don't think the 'how' mattered, as much as the 'why'....these were people we would never have known about, had Sept 11 not happened,but we wanted to honor them and let their families and friends know that we HAVEN'T forgotten their losses.
For myself, I immersed myself in research on Jonathan Cappello for weeks, and put together several different rough drafts,but something made me hold off on writing that final draft. I saw this question mulled over on a lot of tributes...should we try to contact the families or friends? Some chose not to,some did. I decided to attempt to contact email addresses I came across on tribute sites, largely because I wanted to always offer the option for the family to say, "We'd prefer that you not do this tribute."And also because I thought that someone who knew 'Jono' should have the opportunity TO post something remembering him...this wasn't about 'me',but about him.
The result of that was that I received a beautiful,heart-wrenching,heart-warming email from his girlfriend to post.And that led me to finally decide what my rough draft would be ...I would just use the words of his family and friends as much as possible. That's the way I came to 'know' him, was through their eyes.
I didn't need to post that all throughout my research,the thought kept wrenching my heart that when he died,'Jono' was only a year older than my oldest son. While I can't begin (and don't want to) imagine losing ANY of my children...since my oldest was so close to his age, I kept thinking of all the promise and possibilities there are in a 23 year old.And how devastating it must be for them that he's gone.
And I didn't need to say that the day I came across the post on a tribute site saying 'Your new nephew was born."and a picture? I had tears in my eyes, imagining what a bittersweetly joyous moment that must have been for the family.
So,why am I posting that now? Mostly because I want to give an explanation for why two OTHER tributes appeared later on my blog.
As with any large undertaking, and this being the first of it's kind...there were 'glitches'.Blogs come and go, and since people had started signing up back in July, I think it was? by the time Sept.11 came, some blogs had disappeared,or some bloggers had stopped blogging. I know on one blog,the last post I saw was the beginning of Sept.,when the blogger's child was in an accident. So you know it wasn't going to be a priority thought in their head...'hey, I need to get that tribute post up'..when they are in a family crisis of their own.
Late on the night of the 11th, I was only one of many who responded to a call to write some tributes that could not seem to be found,either because of broken links or missing blogs, or some other reason.(Because I did actually come across someone who posted "well, I just decided not to do it after all.")At the time, the main organizers of 2,996 were getting some much needed rest...I think in the beginning of this project, NO ONE had any idea how large it would become,especially when the sign-ups snowballed into an avalanche near the end.
I believe the thinking then was that the 40 or so that were missing was all there was,and there were enough people who had volunteered to write an extra tribute to handle getting those few tributes written in time to be posted for Sept.11? So, I was given two extra names to research, and put a post up for those names.
I'm now not sure if I should have volunteered,only because I felt my research was so much more rushed and hasty, after the way I had done my research on Jonathan Cappello's name.
Yes, learning more about these two other men who were lost on Sept.11 did touch my heart, and I volunteered at the time with I think the same thought that everyone else had..we wanted to make sure that everyone WAS honored.
But I later felt that it was perhaps a disservice to their names,to do it so quickly in one night? And also that it detracted from Jonathan's tribute, and that was never my intent. Misguided or not, my intent was to assisst those whose main concern was that we DID honor the commitment to see that each person was remembered and honored.
Well, you learn as you go. Overall, I was awed and humbled to be part of such a massive,international effort. And they are talking about making it an annual event. Since 'Never Forget' is one of my personal beliefs, and not just a slogan to me.....Sept.11 changed me just as it did so many others worldwide....I think I might like to be part of this again.
Even if my research on Gerard Moran and John Salamone was rushed at the time, I did come to know more about two other people that the world lost on that day.And regret and mourn their passing, and pause to hold their family and friends in my prayers.
I have decided that I will leave their names in the sidebar,with the name linking back to each of their tributes.(and I will most likely do more research on each of their names in the days ahead, and add to their tributes.)
Thank you, to Dale for thinking of this idea and thank you, to you and all the others who helped make it happen,so that we could each in our own way "celebrate their lives."
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
2,996.I remember...Gerard(Jerry) P. Moran
Born 1962,Baltimore,MD Died Sept.11,2001 Pentagon
(update 2011: in searching for a lost link in the original post , I was saddened to learn that in March 2011, Jerry Moran's wife Joyce 'Joey' Moran passed away. there is a tribute page posted for both of them here and a moving tribute from a friend written here . My deepest sympathy to their families and friends, and especially their children ,Shannon and Dane )
From an article in the the day after the attack on the Pentagon.
Moran, 39, of Upper Marlboro, is a video-teleconferencing engineer at the Pentagon, said Joyce Moran, his wife of 17 years. He also is an assistant coach for the St. Mary's-Ryken junior varsity softball team and had worked as a lighting technician for such Hollywood films as Enemy of the State, Random Hearts and Contact. He had served in the Navy for five years, where he was a combat photographer.
Joyce Moran said she learned about the attack on the Pentagon while she was checking her e-mail at the Office of Naval Intelligence in Suitland.
"My son called," she said. "I just told him to be patient. No news is good news."
The Morans, who moved to Maryland six years ago, have a daughter, 16, and a son, 14.
Besides coaching at St. Mary's-Ryken, a Catholic private school in Leonardtown, Moran also has coached its power-lifting team.
Gary Padgett, head coach of the softball team, said he had called Moran last week to promote him to assistant coach on the varsity squad. "I'm just praying that they find him," he said. "I didn't find out until this morning, and he's all I've been thinking about all day."
Joyce Moran said her husband is a gourmet cook who enjoys camping and fishing.
"My husband was always a survivor in everything he did," she said. "If there's a way, he will survive."
-- Edward Lee
Family and friends describe Moran as a humorist and a humanitarian. When he was not coaching fast-pitch softball, baseball or power lifting, Moran's wife said, he could be found in the kitchen whipping up gourmet meals and experimenting with recipes from his many cookbooks. Some of his favorite ones are for coconut pork, chicken cordon bleu and prime rib.
He also enjoys relaxing at home with his family and trout fishing with brother Kevin.
Kevin Moran's daughter was in one of the World Trade Center towers when it was hit on Tuesday. She escaped before it collapsed.
-- Tracey A. Reeves
Saturday, September 9, 2006
2,996. I remember...Jonathan Neff Cappello
Name: | Jonathan N. Cappello |
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Age: | 23 |
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Residence: | Garden City, NY, United States |
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Occupation: | Cantor Fitzgerald |
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Location: | World Trade Center, Tower 1, 105th floor |
What can I say about Jono that hasn’t been said…. I feel in love with him from the moment I met him. I know we were young, but his first words to me were “My father told my mother and now I’m telling you, I’m going to marry you”
That was Jono, he knew what he wanted and he went after it. I feel like the moment I accepted he was gone, my world collapsed. It’s so funny how 24 hours can change your life forever. 11PM on September 10th I was saying goodnight and I love you to my future. I never spoke to him again.
Jono was the most amazing person I knew. I know people say that when someone dies they become immortal, they never did any wrong and they were ‘angelic’ all the time. Jono was no saint, but he was my savior. He has the most wonderful family, which made everyone feel as if they were part of it. Jono, truly had this presence about him which made him stand out from the crowd. If you were sad, he lifted your spirits; if you were angry he instantly put you in a better mood. He never wanted anyone he loved even people he didn’t even know want to feel one ounce of pain. For many months after 9/11 I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t feel. I was numb. He carried me out of those times, he put a smile back on my face and made me realize that life is short. The only thing that matters is what you do here and now, not 10 years down the road. No one is going to care about or remember the list of financial accomplishments you have under your belt. It’s how you treat people now; the good, the bad, the rich, the poor, the handicapped, the deformed.
I know that Jono is also shining down on our troops and doing everything in his power to help protect them. He always said that he would without question fight for our country and he always thought New York City was the greatest place in the world.
I love him now as much as the day I met him. He owns a part of my heart and will continue to watch out for his family, my family and myself.
He will remain forever young.
If you're wondering why he was called 'Jono"? From, in this account of his memorial service, his personality seems to shine through in his family's words.
On His Birthday, Family Says Goodbye
September 27, 2001
For the Cappello family, Sept. 29 always has been a day of celebration, the day its youngest member, Jonathan Neff Cappello, was born.
This year, it is also the day his family will bid him a final goodbye, but there is no remorse, said his mother, Claudia.
"I truly believe he is telling me, 'I began my life, and I'm ending this part of life ,'" said Claudia Cappello. "I feel wonderful and blessed. It was a privilege to have been his parent."
While some continue to hold out hope, Claudia and Robert Cappello decided last week to hold a memorial service for their son who was lost in the World Trade Center attack.
Jonathan Cappello, 23, had just started training on the international bond desk at Cantor Fitzgerald after traveling the country in a Winne- bago and doing carpentry work.
Cappello, a graduate of Fairfield University in Connecticut, was a paradox, said his father, Robert Cappello. "Jon was as tough as they come, but as gentle and caring as they come," he said, describing his son as Frank Sinatra in a world of Vic Damones.
Earning the nickname "Jono" as a child - from his parents constantly screaming "Jon, no!" in response to his childhood mischief - Jon, said the Cappellos, was certainly no angel.
But the child who once lacquered the bathroom with red nail polish in anger, was the same child who always chose his handicapped neighbor first for the team in ball games and made sure a blind student sitting next to him in school always knew what was written on the blackboard.
He grew into a man who once gave a shoeless vagabond his brand new gym shoes and regularly took food from his mother's cabinet to give to the homeless.
"Jon found worth in everybody," said Claudia Cappello. The youngest of her three sons, Jon, she said, "had wisdom beyond his years."
From an early age, Jon had a remarkable understanding of life and spirituality. He carried a poem about God's love in his wallet since he was 12, told his mother long ago that he was not afraid to die, because when it's time to go, it's time to go, and kept every note she ever wrote to him wedged between the pages of his first Communion Bible.
"He didn't just drink at life, he gulped it down," said his close friend, Catherine Kelleher, in a letter to the Cappello family.
Jon Cappello sang off-key at the top of his lungs, loved all sports (but hated the Yankees) and found joy in music ranging from rock, to blues, to his favorite, Frank Sinatra.
He was "a Peter Pan who refused to grow up, yet would surprise you with his maturity," Kelleher wrote.
Jon charmed adults and children alike, leaving an impression on everyone he met. In the days since the tragedy, his parents have hosted a cornucopia of friends, co-workers and complete strangers who all want to share how Jon touched their lives.
"When Jon said, 'I love you,' he screamed it," Claudia Cappello said. "He wanted so much out of life, I don't know why. Maybe he just knew."
The Cappello Family has established the Jonathan Neff Cappello Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 7659, Garden City, N.Y. 11530, to provide financial assistance to a Garden City resident planning to attend Fairfield University.--Nedra Rhone(Newsday)
I found tributes on the web to him from someone who had known him long ago and had lost touch with him
Thursday, September 13, 2001So you probably thinking just getting to the point Krackhead. Well, the point is John died three years ago in NYC along with many other people. Fortunately, Jono's family keeps his spirit alive and circulating by staying true to the kid. They gave out baseball hats - an article of clothing that John (Or me for that matter) always wore at a previous fundraiser. They talk about him and it makes me wish I knew him only to see if I was cool enough to hang out with him.
and I like to think that seeing that plaque by the Kashmiri Cypress
will lead future students to ask "Who was Jono?" in the years to come, and hear your story.
I continue to hold your family and friends, and especially Dana,who loved and continues to love you so much, in my prayers.
Tag2996 tribute Tag9/11 Tag2996 Tag2996 project
Friday, September 8, 2006
2,996. I remember....John Patrick Salamone
John P. Salamone,37,from North Caldwell,NJ who,sadly,was yet another of the many Cantor Fitzgerald employees lost at the World Trade Center,was a great family man and athlete.
The death of John P. Salamone is hard for his wife and worse for his children. He had three: Alex, 6, Aidan, 4, and Anna 3. "They have their good days and bad days," said his wife, Mary Ellen. "Halloween was awful. John did the trick-or- treating. They missed him. Alex told his teacher that mom tried to make it a happy day for him but he couldn't help but be sad. He missed his dad."
So their mother took them to the hockey game like their father used to do -- she thought that would be nice. Then the boys had to go to the bathroom. They just looked at her. "It was like, 'What do we do now?' "
Mr. Salamone, 37, brokered preferred stocks for Cantor Fitzgerald. "He actually loved his job, loved the guys he worked with. But he didn't love anything more than his kids," she said.
He coached the boys soccer team in West Essex, N.J., as well. And it was hard for the boys to look on the sideline and not see their father there. The league shut down for two weeks in honor of his memory. When play resumed, Alex scored the first goal.
Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on November 5, 2001.
John Salamone, 37, a song and a danceEach day when he walked in the front door of his North Caldwell home, John Salamone would call out to his 3-year-old daughter, Anna. "Prince Charming is home!"
Anna, the youngest of three, loves playing the role of Cinderella, and her father liked to indulge her fantasies. A playful Mr. Salamone would sing and dance with her around the room.
"He could make my kids smile and laugh like nobody else," said his wife of 10 years, Mary Ellen Salamone. "They just waited for him to come home and play with them. He left business at work."
Mr. Salamone, 37, a preferred stock broker with Cantor Fitzgerald, is among the missing since Sept. 11, when a hijacked aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center. He worked on the 104th floor of Tower One.
Mary Ellen Salamone was not able to speak to her husband the day of the terrorist attacks, but knew that he had tried to call home after reviewing her cell phone bill. The call never went through.
More than 1,000 people came to pay their respects to Mr. Salamone at a Memorial Mass at St. Aloysius Church in Caldwell. The large turnout was a testament to his character, Mary Ellen Salamone said.
"What everybody says about him is that he had an amazing sense of humor. In any situation, he would find the lighter side of it and make you laugh about it," she said.
Sports was a big part of Mr. Salamone's life. He would take his sons -- Alexander, 6, and Aidan, 4 -- to play golf on Sundays at the Essex Fells Country Club, where he was a member. He played soccer in high school and college and, most recently, in town. Mr. Salamone coached his son's Little League team.
He grew up in Fairfield, graduating from West Essex Regional High School. He earned a business administration degree from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, then later graduated with a master's in business administration from Fordham University.
He previously worked at Quick & Reilly in New York, joining Cantor Fitzgerald in 1998.
Mr. Salamone enjoyed nothing so much as spending time with his children, his wife said.
"He would chase after them, catch and tickle them," she said. "He did everything with them -- take them to the park all the time, taught them how to ride their bikes."
In addition to his wife and children, Mr. Salamone is survived by his mother, Madeline Reed of Lewiston, N.Y.; his father, Benedict Salamone of Whippany; a grandmother, Rose Catalano of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; two brothers, Michael Salamone of North Carolina and Thomas Salamone of Sleepy Hollow, N.Y.; two sisters, Catherine Sauer of Denville and Michelle Cataline of North Carolina; and eight nieces and nephews.
Memorial contributions can be made to an educational account set up for Mr. Salamone's children. Donations may be mailed to Credit Suisse/First Boston, Ref: John Salamone Children Accounts, 80 Sherwood Road, Ridgewood, N.J. 07450.
Congratulations,JP! and Tributes
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Random Tuesday Ramblings
Sunday, September 3, 2006
Sunday 'Surfing'
It 's been awhile since I've done a 'surfing' post, but a new grandson in our family and the daily grind of work, and a child still in school, will do that to you, I suppose.
Today's 'surf' picture was actually taken on our 2003 Hawaiian vacation by my sister and brother-in-law , not by me. I may finally be running out of pictures to post,lol.
While I have been surfing the web myself in the past few days, I've bookmarked posts that I wanted to feature here when I finally had a chance to do so. So there's no particular 'theme' to all this, other than 'places you might want to check out."
I'll begin with Bruce's Deployment to Afghanistan ,because he has his weekly post up, and his pictures are always great! (And not too long ago, Bruce had a picture of Himself featured on DefenseLINK News Photos ,very cool:)
Keeping it in the AOL/J-Land 'family', Christy has a post up about an opportunity