It's been a hectic week (when is it not?lol) so it just ocurred to me today that....ONE MONTH FROM MONDAY....we will be in Missouri to see OYMBT (Our Young Man in Basic Training:) GRADUATE!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
I get different 'alerts' for Soldiers Angels from Technorati, Google, etc. as I wanted to start a weekly post (hopefully weekly:) of mentions of Soldiers Angels in the news, and on blogs. The alerts have kind of been piling up, so I just wanted to pass on a few of them, and then next week try to get my act together a little better to make this a weekly feature of links for you to check out.
I recently saw a comment on the AOL Journals Editor blog About Soldiers Angels (which means the word is getting out, YAY!!) but the commenter only mentioned Adopting A Soldier....and while that is surely a wonderful thing to do! (And something I've never been able to afford to do myself. Except now, of course, we have a soldier in our own family we need to support!)
Soldiers Angels is so much MORE than just about adopting. There is really 'something for everyone' available, if you join Soldiers Angels . There are all kinds of Teams available for you to join!
In my case, I unfortunately have had to take a break for a time from the
due to financial reasons. It's a wonderful team,that does very important work, but sometimes you have to take a look at whether or not you're Overextended in certain areas, and sadly, make decisions that you might not really wish to make about what it's resonably possible for you to do.
This is a team that I believe in with all my heart, as the feedback I have gotten from families that I have sent condolence cards to as a member of the team has assured me that it Does matter to the families of the fallen, to know that even strangers they don't know are thinking of them, and holding them in their hearts and prayers during their time of mourning.
However, with the cost of postage going up Monday and with preparing for a trip across the country in a month, I had to take a look at whether I could still continue to meet my obligations as a member of the Letter Writing Team , a member of the Cards Plus Team , and as a member of the Wounded TLC Team , and Also Still meet my obligations as a member of the Living Legends Team ?
And,sadly, with the past few months sometimes having a very high number of War Casualties ? I had to do the math, and face the reality of what I could and couldn't do. Almost $30 in postage alone for the month of April for sending cards for just one team is just a little too much for me right now, never mind the cost of the cards for that team, and not even including the cost of cards or postage for any of the other teams I belong to. Something had to 'go' in our budget for right now, and it was a question for me of either committing to just this One team? or committing to continue to meet my obligations on the other Teams I've been a part of for the past two years?
I hope in a few months to be able to once again be a part of the Living Legends Team , but I had to accept that I just can't Do everything I wish I could, financially.
Well, that's enough about that. Moving on, here are some of the links I wanted to pass on.
Kathi, ma cherie. You do so much, no one can fault you for cutting back for any reason. >>>AND ... if you are headed for Fort Leonard Wood, MO ... get ready for a 'BIGGGGG' crowd. When our MJ graduated ... he ask us not to come, because he had warned of the 'kayous' ;-) And he headed right to AIT in San Angelo, TX ... closer to us ... and wanted some civilian clothes and sound equipment. We did attend that graduation, brought him home with us (first visit here in over 6 months) and he bought his truck ... and went to Ft. Hood. He was in military intelligence ... and 'wanted to be a spy'. There was no declared war going on ... and because he was 3rd in his class ... of 17 ;-) ... headquarters co decided to put him in an office. >>>He did have his own humV ... with computers and mobile phones in it ... but the closest he got to battle ... was in the woods around the base. He was going to make it a career ... but his commanding officer (career man of 28 years) got out to join GTE in supplying our military with software to fight wars :---( and took MJ with him. He owes his present high-paying vocation to that man. Hope your son gets a lot out of his experience. IT CAN BE DONE!!! DIEU TE BENISSE!!! STAY SAFE ON THE TRIP.
Cajun Sissy Macile
Thanks so much,Sissy:)
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